bass clef symbol on music staff


“Once I know that I can remember
whenever I like, I forget.”

—Umberto Eco

bass clef symbol on music staff


“Once I know that I can remember whenever I like, I forget.”

—Umberto Eco

I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name.

William Morris, “A Dream of John Ball

You don’t get to hate it unless you love it.

Jimmie Fails, “The Last Black Man in San Francisco”

Elk don’t know how many feet a horse have!

55 10 55 55 55 67 41 55 555 15 55 55 16 55 741

Beef and Dairy Network Podcast, “Beef Call

XKCD, “Wardrobe

Are we maybe just using patriarchal masculinity as a dumping ground for our most competitive and maladapted behaviors as human beings and actually what we think of as masculinity is just a lot of unnecessary competitiveness and profound discomfort with the human condition? What if masculinity could actually be a bunch of good stuff and fun stuff, and the set of behaviors we think of as archetypically masculine in America are really responses to insecure attachment and lack of intimacy and security?

You’re Wrong About, “Alpha Males

Mega Man 3 soundtrack

That is not at all how this survey data will be used, nor how it will be interpreted—or how it will be allowed to be interpreted—by anyone back at HQ. Their interpretation transmutes whatever score I give into a referendum on Angela’s performance. The metric would not be allowed to tell them what I was trying to tell them but would, instead, be treated as quantitative confirmation against Angela’s value as an employee and a reason to refuse her the full $0.25 pay bump she might otherwise dream she was entitled to after her next annual review. “I’m sorry, Angela, but you’re not getting all fives from every survey.” So Angela gets all fives from me. Everybody does, regardless.

Slacktivist, “All Fives

I disagree with the notion that Democrats paid a price over Al Franken.

I think Tina Smith is an extraordinary U.S. senator doing a great job, and having a higher electoral victory than her predecessor. I think Kamala Harris, who replaced Al Franken on the Judiciary Committee, has shown she is a tremendous voice on that committee, and has done an outstanding job. The fact that Roy Moore was not elected, and we have an extraordinary Democrat in Doug Jones. The fact that 2018 was an enormous victory for the Democratic Party. Not only did we flip the House of Representatives because women ran in red and purple places across this country, we had extraordinary victories across the country. Women in America know that the Democratic Party values them. Women in America know that the Republican Party might not. And I would challenge the Democratic Party—do not lose sight that you have to do the right thing, even when it’s hard. And I think that when we value women and do the right thing long-term, we will prevail, we will be stronger and we will earn the support of Americans, because we value their mothers, their daughters and their sisters.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, in an interview on “The Daily

They say in Harlan County,
there are no neutrals there.
You’ll either be a union man
or a thug for J. H. Blair.
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?

“Which Side Are You On?”, the anthem of the UMWA union in the 1930s (Jacobin, “No Neutrals in Harlan County